The most notable memories I’ve retained from my early days in Sunday school all revolve around story time. I loved the Bible characters in all their flannel board glory. I remember the felt between my fingers as I imagined Jonah thrown overboard, Daniel in the lion’s den, and Joseph stripped of his multi-colored coat. While many of the lessons of Sunday school have stuck with me I’ve come to understand the complexity of those Bible stories in ways my 6-year-old brain could have never grasped. They’ve served as a catalyst for my own understanding of God and his plans for his people.
You know what I was missing during story time all those years ago? The girls. While I heard of Abraham, Paul, and James, I hardly heard of any women as Biblical heroes walking in the fullness of God and carrying out his plans.
As I got older, my interest in the scriptures piqued and I discovered fierce women threaded throughout the gospel. They raised babies, led armies, and hid spies. They were heroes in their own right, equal in valor and heart to countless male Biblical characters.
Recently, I discovered a friend, Lauren Nelson, wrote a children’s book zeroing in on the heroines of the Bible. Her daughter wondered why she was taught about so many boys (biblical characters) in church, but never girls. Lauren saw an opportunity to teach her daughter, and children everywhere, God’s plan to partner with women for his perfect plans.
Lauren writes, “SHEroes of the Bible takes you on a journey with nine stories of fourteen women from the Old Testament who experienced God in their lives in a significant way. It wasn’t easy, but they chose to say, “yes” to God and to trust Him to rescue and comfort them.
Lauren outlines a SHEro as this:
S-satisfied only in God- SHEroes want the Lord more than anything else in this world. They hunger and thirst for more of God, just like we hunger and thirst for food and water.
H-heart to do what He asks- SHEroes find joy in doing what God asks them to do and they loved to tell everyone what He has done for them.
E-ears to hear Him speak- SHEroes listen to what God says in all situations.
R-rescuer- SHEroes believe that God is their rescuer and they do not let fear stop them from helping rescue others.
O-obedient to God- SHEroes let go of what they want so they can do what God says is best. They are brave and courageous, as they trust God.

Shiphrah and Puah: SHEroes of Exodus 1
I love that my sons and other children are learning about God’s love and reach with women through SHEroes through engaging stories and stunning artwork. They see value placed on both men and women of the scriptures. In their young minds they see the truth of Galatians 3:28 reminding us, “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”
To check out Lauren’s book, SHEroes of the Bible: Women of the Old Testament visit her website or order online at Amazon.
I receive no monetary compensation for this post, only the book for review.
For more like this check out 5 reasons I’m raising my sons to be feminists.
Tiffany, I am sooo glad you popped over to my blog, because I love yours! And it’s so ironic you are writing about Sheroes. I have a friend who’s doing a book club on facebook for authors and moms who want more books on courageous girls. Do you mind if I add you? Lauren Nelson, the author of the book was answering questions, etc. Anyway, so excited to connect with you. What was your biggest takeaway from SheSpeaks?
So great to connect! Crazy small world! Glad Lauren is getting her book in front of the right men and women!
Well said, Tiffany. We love the book “Brave Girls Bible Stories” at our house for all these same reasons!
I love that, Jen!