In She Dreams, Tiffany Bluhm encourages you to discover and follow your God-given dreams as you consider how dreams take shape through practices such as reflecting, collaborating, lifelong learning, pursuing passion, counting the cost, praying, holding onto hope, and trusting God. Looking to the biblical story of Moses, who lived out the God-sized dream given to him, she exposes the ancient wisdom God offers every woman with a dream within her soul.
The companion study guide will help you to dig deep into the life of Moses for a six-week study experience. From his birth in Egypt to his life in the wilderness, Moses’ story reveals how God calls, equips, and trains us to pursue the dreams He plants within our hearts. The study guide includes everything needed for a group study, including five personal lessons for each week, guided video notes, group discussion questions, and tips for leaders/facilitators.
These She Dreams video lessons will help you to dig deep into the life of Moses for a six-week study experience. From his birth in Egypt, to his burning bush encounter, to his life in the wilderness, Moses’ story reveals how God calls, equips, and trains us to pursue the dreams He plants within our hearts. You will discover the role of prayer as you grow into your dreams, the importance of obedience, how your dreams bless others, why failures can be a gift, and the life-changing love and power of the Dream Giver. There is also a companion study guide available.

Tiffany Bluhm, author of the She Dreams trade book and Bible study, is a speaker and writer who is passionate about helping women come to know their value and purpose because of a loving, redeeming God. In a style that speaks to women right where they are, she shares insights from a life spent chasing after Jesus while walking alongside women from suburbia to the inner city, jails and brothels, and the slums of Kolkata. Tiffany speaks regularly at conferences and events, and writes for a number of websites, print publications, and popular blogs, including the YouVersion Bible app, Deeply Rooted Magazine, and She lives in Tacoma, Washington, with her husband and two sons, and blogs at

“Tiffany is full of fire and life. She writes, and more importantly, lives this book. She’s got grit, passion, and a depth that causes you to read each word and see that you were born to live out your dreams while there is still breath in your lungs. Her words will cause you to see that you’re stronger than you know and created for more.”
— Andi Andrew, author of She Is Free, speaker, pastor, and founder of She Is Free

“Tiffany communicates clearly that dreams look different for each and every woman; and no matter what her background, losses, or standing may be, she is not to be silenced or dismissed but to rise up to take her place because it is her birthright to dream. This is a message she lives, inspiring us with her bold faith and her capacity to encourage us collectively to make a difference where we are, with what we have.”
— Ashley Abercrombie, podcast cohost of Why Tho and author of The Rise of the Truth Teller

“Persistent hope jumps off every page of Tiffany Bluhm’s beautiful book, She Dreams. From the overcoming of adversity within her own life to the stories of biblical heroes whose broken lives were pieced together by the God of redemption, readers will find courage to let their own dreams take root, knowing that there is no tragedy, misstep, or disappointment that God can’t redeem. Whether you are single or married, with or without children, working in the home or outside of it, Bluhm reminds all of us that the Lord wants to use your passions, skills, and dreams for his purposes and glory.”
— Katelyn Beaty, author of A Woman’s Place: A Christian Vision for Your Calling in the Office, the Home, and the World and former managing editor of Christianity Today

“Tiffany speaks with the conviction and experience of a woman twice her age. She shares honestly about the cost, sacrifice, and grit required to not only see your dreams come true but also lift others to reach theirs.”
— Eric Boles, author of Moving to Great and president of The Game Changers Inc.

“Tiffany is thoughtful, clear-headed, and filled with rich biblical insight. These same qualities shine in her most recent book, She Dreams, where she explores how one’s best instincts, aspirations, and hopes can become a reality. I found myself praying through my own discarded dreams, inviting God to breathe life into them again; I know the same will be true for you.”
—Bryan Halferty, lead pastor of Anchor Church, Tacoma, WA

“This book is for the dreamers and for the women who are so buried in their season of life that they have forgotten to dream. Tiffany beautifully reminds us all that we are created to do big things and that no dream is too big. Empowered by examples from Scripture and her own life, Tiffany speaks encouragement and truth, emphasizing the need to just START and take the first step toward your dream.”
— Nickie Snyder, podcast host of The Things She Does and cardiac nurse practitioner
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