A night on the town was in order for this mama and her baby daddy. Derek and I were invited to a pop up restaurant that goes by the mysterious name, Secret Sauce Society, in the space that will soon be our absolute favorite restaurant with our good friend as owner and head chef. We were elated at the thought of a 10 course meal savored by candle light. It was a a rush to get the kids in order before we headed out the door and by rush I mean there was sweat (Derek), tears (mine), and promises of bedtime songs no matter what time we returned (Jericho). I had a punch of anxiety at the knowledge this would be our first time with both of us away at bedtime for the baby, but I felt great with our sweet friend who has put a few babies to bed in her day. With lipgloss and high heels on, I was ready for a night out with the man!

secret sauce society

The Secret Sauce Society Menu for the pop up restaurant at The Table.

We arrived to chatter and a friendly host sharing about the passion project of the pop up. It was local chefs collaborating to provide fine cuisine and a one of kind experience. Our table was set beautifully as we sat among an empty restaurant space with wires suspended from the ceiling and gaping holes in the walls. There we sat among strangers made friends. We got to know each other course by course, sharing stories and laughs. Both the food and conversation were downright delicious. My expectations were far superseded as I savored every bite of handmade pasta, seared duck, spicy lamb sausage, creamy grits, and beignets with pot de creme. Handcrafted fare and good company at the table is necessary for my soul. As we drove away I was inspired by the work of others, their creativity and passion. I was equally as inspired by the worth of others. Sitting among new friends who’ve tasted life so differently was refreshing.



We don’t get out together much these days. Often I’ll go for a girls night or he’ll spend time with his guys, but hardly do we go out together. We are intentional to plan time together after the kids have gone to bed, however finding time to share a new experience was a memory that I’m happy we are working to forge in this season. So many of my days are filled with diaper changes, board books, make believe, and Daniel Tiger. Yet, those rare moments I can slap on some mascara, kiss my babies goodbye, and spend a night out with my beloved are welcomed. Truly welcomed.

Dear Mama, refresh your soul and have a new experience. Not one that will drain you but make you dream, laugh, and remind you that you are creative and one of a kind.