adoption day

We celebrated two years as a family on April 1st. I can’t believe it’s been two years since we first met, cried, laughed, and cried some more. It has been the sweetest two years. I decided last year that every year I would write him a letter on his adoption day.



You are strong. I know it hasn’t been easy but you amaze me as you display strength in your darkest moments.

You are sweet. Your tenderness towards others, especially your little brother, is a gift to anyone who knows you.

You are spunky. You are the funniest person i have ever met. Just a few days ago you reminded me that you reserve your black sweats for date nights.

You are smart. You are so hungry to learn about everything around you. It amazes me.

You are sought. Sweet boy, we love you so much. Your story is one of great loss and great redemption all because of Jesus.


I love you so much. Your are valued beyond measure. Our world may spew hate and shame but don’t listen to the scoffers. Remember they are broken just like we are. No matter the color of your skin, no matter the hurts of your soul, and no matter where you come from always remember you are loved and marked for greatness. You walk, play, and dance in greatness. It’s on you and in you. There will never be another Jericho Lincoln. We celebrate who you are, what Jesus has done, and who you are becoming.


I love you forever, I like you for always, as long as I’m living my baby you’ll be.

