Encouragement for Desperate Moments of Motherhood
Do you ever have those desperate prayers? The ones where you are SPENT and can't take one more ounce of bad news, disappointment, frustration, not to mention meltdowns from your kids. That was my week last week. I could barely function. I was desperate for...
This mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain
No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain...
Why Our Kids Need Mama Dates
My son stabbed the nanny with a plastic screwdriver. She was holding the baby and he was craving some attention and decided the best way to get it was to stab her. Being the saint, I mean saint, that she is she relayed the incident and let me know that he was...
My House Is A Mess And I Love It
My house is a mess and I love it. We've been catching up with friends, hosting play dates, roasting s'mores, noshing on BBQ, and watching our kids run through the sprinkler and speed down the slip'n'slide. Breezy mornings have turned into hot afternoons that have...
Mama Needs A Minute
So many of us are just trying to get through the day. We raise kids, love husbands, take care of homes, or perhaps you are doing it all on your own. It can be so easy to look around and think, "this is too much, this is too hard, its 24/7 and NEVER ending." I...
What Your Kids Need To Know About the Nineties
The other day I was trying to explain to my son the beauty of the nineties. After playing a rousing game of Heads Up on our iPhone's with some friends, I was chatting with him about random pop culture that is ancient history to his young mind. Both Derek and I knew we...
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