
I know you fantasize about the idea of getting married, becoming a dad, and making money to buy your own fruit snacks, but there is something you must know. You must know that before the season of sleepovers, sports practices, flirting with girls, or getting an iPhone there is this wild season of just being four. When you memorize the lyrics to your favorite “jam” and dance around the house, obsess over Magical School Bus, play school and teach your baby brother the ABC’s, or chomp on gum because you feel so cool I can’t help but love every single minute of it. You aren’t three and you aren’t five, you are so perfectly four. With your newfound love of absolutely everything older kids have is driving me crazy, and I know it won’t stop, I must plead with you, enjoy the fours. Even as I write this you are half way done. December will be here before you know it and we’ll celebrate your life once again as you walk right into the fives.

ring bearer

He’s a bit camera shy.

boy feeding baby doll

One day, little one, one day.

Remember how you thought the three year olds in your pre-school were babies? Or how you thought the fifth graders in your daddy’s class were practically adults? Well, you were three once and you will be in fifth grade, I promise you, all in good time. So today dear one, enjoy the fours. They look so good on you.