Recently, a friend tagged me and my friend Ashley on Instagram, on one of our favorite accounts @overheardnewyork, and this is what it said, “Having a podcast is this generation’s lower-back tattoo.”
Nevertheless, Ashley and I persisted, and we would love to invite you to our new podcast, WHY THO? A little bit about us: We land somewhere in between Mother Teresa and Biggie Smalls, and we’re just wondering: Why tho? We all have questions, from our existential crisis curiosities, to our hey girl, why your eyebrows look so good tho, and we want to tackle all of these questions with you.
Why don’t you go ahead and subscribe tho? Why Tho? is available on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play. Each episode is 20-25 minutes, and we’ll drop a new podcast every week, answering an important question you’re asking, for your listening pleasure. Today, we’ve got three up for you: Why We Started Why Tho? Why Tiffany Bluhm Tho? and Why Ash Abercrombie Tho?
We hope all the crazy days we’ve persisted through will be a blessing to you. Also, we have a giveaway for two lucky listeners: A PAIR OF FABULOUS NIKES. All you have to do is subscribe to the podcast, leave a comment (using your full name, so we can check), and make sure you’re on our email list to win. Tell your friends – the more the merrier!