I’ve found that’s its significantly difficult to regularly keep up with friends that I used to. Play dates can be had, but to actually finish a conversation detailing how each other is doing is hard to come by. Dare I even mention developing new friendships unless it’s at a playgroup where I don’t have to clean up with copious amounts of coffee. In fact, a few weeks ago a friend came with her two kiddos in tow for lunch. We were downright giddy to be in each other’s company although we totaled maybe 7 sentences a piece of non child related content. We felt victorious.
Staying up to date is hard even when your friend is in the same room if young children outnumber you in said room. I’ve certainly found other ways to keep up with friends and it’s been great. Texting when I have a second, and more specifically voice texting has been a favorite. Also, FaceTime has been wonderful to catch up with friends after the kids have gone to bed. Two of my dearest friends live out of the country and seeing their faces on my tiny little screen refreshes my soul. Of course when either of those seem out of reach there is always Instagram where I can see endless pictures of friends’ kids.

Thank you, Instagram, for allowing me to post ridiculous amounts of pictures of my darling children.
I was reminded of this idea as I caught up with a friend the other day who is opening up a chicken fast food restaurant, and is working around the clock. I knew it had been some time since we had seen each other since she had a different hair color and I had stopped doing my hair and had it tucked ever so hipsterly in a beanie. She is in her early thirties with two little ones at home. The last thing she has right now is free time between her work and family. We love, support, and pray for each other but don’t often get the chance to see each other in person. We have been able to catch up with text messages, quick phone calls, and dropping in on each other at work. Our prayers for each other are daily but our communication can be sporadic. We are walking alongside each other but at different times and seasons it has looked different. I remember a few years ago we would work out together every day after work. Long gone are those days and I welcome the new ones as we both know life is seasons. I also welcome the chicken sandwiches.
It’s my anthem to myself and my reminder to you: savor your season and savor your friend… even the long lost ones.