Losing baby weight is easy for some and ridiculously difficult for others. Do you remember that time where some thought you’d lose the baby weight by now? They remark how it literally fell off them. They tell how they can’t imagine not fitting into all of their clothes after 6 months. No? Just me? I knew I was far from my pre-baby body goal when I tried to put my wedding ring back on AFTER 6 MONTHS and it made my entire finger turn purple because it was too tight. I screamed for my husband to find a way to to get it off. Coconut oil to the rescue as it slithered off my finger begging never to return until my ring finger went on a diet. Like the masses I would LOVE to humblebrag how I’m smaller now than I was before giving birth to a watermelon but that isn’t quite my story. I’m still in the “I’m trapped in this body and I can’t get out” state. I am very aware that my body will never return to its full former glory and I need to learn to live with it, but it’s taking me a minute.

losing baby weight

If all else fails, just moby your baby to hide all your curves and edges if you are feeling particularly frumpalicious. Bonus is you feel all Sacajawea about the whole situation.

In my body’s defense I’ve invested more in baby back ribs and cake than I have in sit ups and uphill jogs. At this point I want energy more than anything else. If a little exercise will keep me energized then BRING IT ON. You see, I just need to find a way to work out that doesn’t suck. I would rather eat sauerkraut than run. In fact, if I had to run for my life I would die. If I could just find a work out that would get rid of this extra skin around the middle, bags under my eyes, and ring finger fat I would be GAME for it.

For real though, I know I love to dance, walk, and tone as Jillian Michaels roots for me as I “shred it.” I will say, if you’ve ever lost any weight with Jillian you’ll find it helpful to mute the DVD as you work out. Her little sayings THIRTY DAYS IN A ROW will make your lose your marbles. “No, Jillian, it doesn’t hurt so good. I don’t like to hurt, I like cake!”

Whatever it is, find what works for you, don’t hate it or you won’t stick with it. Lose the baby weight and celebrate the progress. If you are like me and the extra weight is hanging on for dear life just give it a minute since you made a human. Your body deserves cake a cold pressed juice and a nap.

Let’s do it, let’s refuse to hate our bodies while we are in progress of fitting into last year’s jeans, enjoy our seasons, and until the wedding ring fits, let’s awkwardly explain why we don’t wear one to make the other person feel sorry for asking.