I hope I caught you before it’s too late. I hope I caught you before you wrote a list a mile long of what you hope to be, what you feel you always fall short of. Oh, I really do I hope I caught you before you made a list describing how skinny or rich you want to be. I’d like to propose a new way, a different way, a way that invites more adventure, more smiles and deep breaths at the end of the day. Forget those old resolutions that you’ve listed year after year. What if we did that? C’mon, let’s give it a try.

As they new year waits for us let’s step into it with a wild heart. One that chooses more self care, more heart to heart conversations with kindred spirits, more play dates at the beach with hot dogs and smores, more novels that expose emotions and perspectives we’ve never considered, more letters, emails, and texts to women in our world with a message of encouragement, bravery, and truth. More honest prayers that teach us He is sovereign, faithful, and good. More games with the kids, even though it may end up in tears and time out. More kisses in the kitchen to the men we love. More dance parties after dinner that prove to our children we got the moves. More weekend brunches with eggs benedict and sweet potato pancakes with the tribe. More adventure to experience and taste all that is waiting to be seen and known. More love and forgiveness for our husbands, children, friends, and those around us. They need it and hoping we have it to give. More cuddles and stories at bedtime. More hard things like pursuing the dreams that have been beating in our hearts for ages. More prayers and aid for those across the world whether it’s refugees or trafficked children. We are one people and we need each other. This next year let’s make room for more of the right and less of the wrong. Let’s throw off grudges, an offendable spirit, impatience, and lovelessness. Let’s throw around kindness like confetti and grace like Oprah giving away free cars. This can be our 2016. This can be what makes up our days.

learn how to mom, tiffany bluhm

We’ve played the Disney Matching Game approximately 7.354 billion times. He loves it and beats me almost every time. Never knew games with kids could be so Jekyll and Hyde. Image by Ivy and Tweed

Don’t get me wrong, I’ll juice and dabble with the raw diet like the rest of them but it won’t be what I’m really about. It won’t be my big time “goals.” Love will always be the goal. Love will always be what leads me. Love will always win. No matter what, every time.

With the wild beating in my soul, I will seek to love, I will seek to rest, I will seek to give.



tiffany bluhm