Last night was bliss. Pure bliss. I sat among women from different walks and together we admitted we are beloved, chosen, and part of the priesthood, sharing in the fellowship of the suffering and the fellowship of his glory. We glimpsed through the glasses of both the younger woman in need of a hand of guidance and also the wiser woman extending her hand to the women around her allowing them to witness the unforced rhythms of graceĀ in her life.

Photo Credit: Ruthy Taylor @discoverystreet
Together we sat with simple materials, the bread and the wine, together they stood for something sacred, a remembrance of our need and dependence on Jesus and our need for each other. We recognized our humanity in need of food and drink and let the cracking of the bread and the clink of the glasses sing to us redemption’s song. A song to the quiet of our hearts, to the buds of our tongue, and to the touch of our fingertips, a song that set us anew with life in Jesus at the table.
If you haven’t heard it today or the truth has yet to set in the landscape of your mind let me remind you there is room for you at the table, there is room for your baggage, mistakes, fear, frustrations, shame, and guilt. Bring it all, lay it down and exchange it for a meal, an honest heart to heart, understanding you are needed there and your place has been prepared. Witness unusual kindness that is hospitality of the heart. Nurse your wounds while you eat the food that smells of peace and tastes of grace. Meet your kindred spirit, who isn’t interested in a contractual agreement in friendship but rather a covenant where you agree to break bread and love each other no matter what, serving each other because you were always meant to. Reach up to the wise sage on your left and extend your hand to the one on your right who is searching and needs what beats in your heart. She needs to hear what you learned on your own adventure, remind her that the King wastes not one experience, not one season, that there are no throwaway moments. Recognize you are both individual and threaded together at the very same moment. Sip and savor every minute of it. It’s your destiny to be fed and invite others to their chair at the table.