It started as bagging up a few t-shirts since I couldn’t shut my t-shirt drawer. It ended with over 20 bags loaded in my car for the thrift store. Once I started I couldn’t stop. I had the urge to purge. I went through every drawer of my dresser, my closet, and every closet in my house. I’ve got my eye on the garage. I am purging like I’ve never purged before. We’ve lived in our house for a little over a year and I decided if it hadn’t been touched in the past year then someone else could enjoy it. It was everything from board games to beanies, napkins to nightstands. It was time to go.

Yes, the flower girl basket and the Yankees hat must go. Don’t even get me started on the gift bags. One does not need 76 baby shower gift bags.
I haven’t read the “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” but I have a feeling its about getting rid of crap you don’t need and I am all for that. Seriously, I can’t explain the satisfaction I feel from my closets not overflowing with random stuff I do not need. Truthfully, after living in Uganda in a couple hundred square feet for nearly 4 months, Derek and I have realized we need very little. Less is more in this season of life, not just for my calendar but for my closet as well, and it is wonderful.
I know what you are thinking. How on earth is she going to live without those gold napkin rings? What will she do without the lazy Susan ceramic serving ware, or the faux diamonds she’s had since her wedding? What on earth will she do without all those t-shirts she hasn’t worn in a billion years? I’ll tell you what people, be reminded of my need for less. Less, less, less.
I don’t want my stuff to have a hold on me, I don’t need it, it doesn’t need me. Purging is healthy for my mind and my storage shelves. I won’t lie though, I was on a roll and after two days of tossing I crashed into bed last night at 10:30 to realize I would never miss this stuff.
If you have the purging fever, go for it. It is a delicious feeling.